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  1. Heidi
    May 30, 2017 @ 11:25 am

    Wow! Great blog, lots to think about. Each time I thought of a comment, another one popped up. Thanks for the wonderful share and food for thought. I better go meditate to process it all.
    And my suggestion to you, on this energetic and amazing path, is to read shorter books.

  2. Ryan
    May 30, 2017 @ 2:20 pm

    Good Stuff!!

  3. Penny Pulz
    May 30, 2017 @ 4:54 pm

    ‘I can’t control my ever-present allergy issues unless I move to Arizona’. Sorry mate but allergies are a huge problem here too. The east coast brought their plants…..

  4. Penny Pulz
    May 30, 2017 @ 5:02 pm

    I am a perfect human being that isn’t always able to see beyond my point of view. Love is the scale lifter from my eyes, head, ego and heart.
    You so starkly delineated ‘love of our sober self’

  5. Becky Kallal-Perkovich
    May 30, 2017 @ 7:24 pm

    I have for many years let life happen to me…
    This blog is all about where I am and have been since losing my only living child to an OD nearly 5 years ago – I continue.
    Thank you

  6. Pam rouse
    June 2, 2017 @ 10:49 pm

    A great job Rich with a lot of food for thought. I will need to read it over and over to get the most out of it. I have always let life happen to me. Thanks for sharing!