recovery blog

A STORY: About a Shady Dude with a Dump Truck.
Let Me Tell You A Story The story is about a summer job I had back in the day. I’m pretty sure it was illegal. But I was just a grunt worker. When I was 16 years old. Let’s just say, these folks were not concerned with labor laws. Or OSHA regulations. These old heads […]
“I’m On the HIPPA Police Most Wanted List”
HIPPA’s Most Wanted I have never, and I will never, utter the phrase: “I can not confirm nor deny if your loved one is in our program….”. FORTUNATELY, I THINK MANY PROVIDERS AGREE AND AVOID THAT STANDARD MANTRA. But, it is taught at confidentiality and “ethics” trainings on a regular basis. As if it’s the […]
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