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  1. makinghistory2
    May 8, 2017 @ 10:55 pm

    Fantastic article . Looking back at my own parenting of my actively using son , I see the utmost importance of having Both parents also agree on boundaries. Of course that’s a book ,another topic but very important.
    Life, parenting, just being, is all a process in constant change. However things as critically important as having boundaries ,really with consistency actually teach people how to love themselves .
    I made a lots of mistakes in patenting but I cannot say enough about support. Just talking out the issues, role playing was extremely helpful for me .
    Is it all harder with substance abuse ? Absolutely in my opinion ,therefore critical to acknowledge it’s really healthy to get help !! Live in love, Mary

  2. makinghistory2
    May 8, 2017 @ 11:03 pm

    Fantastic article . Looking back at my own parenting of my actively using son , I see the utmost importance of having Both parents also agree on boundaries. Of course that’s a book ,another topic but very important.
    Life, parenting, just being, is all a process in constant change. However things as critically important as having boundaries ,really with consistency actually teach people how to love themselves .
    I made a lot of mistakes in parenting, said what I meant sometimes screaming, just made it harder for everyone.

    I cannot say enough about support! Just talking out the issues, role playing was extremely helpful for me . Practice ,patience, persist with boundaries!

    Is it all harder with substance abuse ? Absolutely in my opinion ,therefore critical to acknowledge it’s really healthy to get help !! Live in love , Mary / Gravatar