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  1. Beth S
    October 31, 2017 @ 3:54 am

    Spot on! A huge challenge is effectively reaching the 90% that do not want help.

    But why aren’t we talking more about prevention? How about “Mental Health Programs” that are part of every school’s curriculum, designed to redirect kids before they reach for a drug?

    I think that an entire shift in our cultural structure is necessary. Sounds a little scary, right? But what we hear in EVERY addiction case is “I wanted to feel better” OR “Not feel at all”. That sentiment crosses every race, religion and every socioeconomic barrier.

    I have a good friend who just lost her son to an overdose. Here’s is a family that is loving, close knit and by “ordinary measures” well balanced. And yet, their son struggled with addition. So, I think that it’s those ordinary measures that we need to look at. Particularly, how we teach our children to get along in life.

    If we want to have an honest discussion regarding the core issue associated with the crisis we have to acknowledge the core issue – mental health. And an all-out, nation-wide raw discussion that may involve uncomfortable topics is essential. What has been coined as “New Age Spirituality” by those that fear any suggestions outside of their religious constraints – such as “the art of living in the now” and “thought awareness” – are clearly a step in the right direction.

    We ‘re not equipping our children with effective actions that they can implement when their “thinking” creates “emotions” that they “DO NOT want to feel”. Let’s talk about that too. Any discussion that does not include addressing an individuals “thinking” is missing the mark.

  2. Norma Norris
    November 1, 2017 @ 7:14 pm

    For years we’ve been told that only evidence-based prevention produces outcomes and should be the only programs funded by taxpayer dollars.
    Well the evidence is in …these outdated programs are not working. Innovative grassroots programs are being shut out because they can’t get connected with University researchers that want a bundle of money. There’s an undercurrent of Grassroots efforts gaining momentum and galvanizing for prevention. Reality Tour is a model that communities can do on their own. You just need 12 people who care that our kids are dying. (Reality Educating parent and child together to form a family bond for prevention shouldn’t be a novel idea… It’s just common sense. ‘My New Leaf’ recovery app, available for Android and iPhones, was developed for those in recovery by a college student and uses AI. Sage’s Army is connecting people to recovery resources and filing a need that our state government won’t. These are all Grassroots efforts reaching thousands of people in PA and beyond. There should be opportunities to recognize new ideas new ways of addressing the problem and see that these ideas are shared with the public at large and the country.