Biden Addiction Recovery Funding

I don’t celebrate Biden’s “addiction funding” if it’s focused solely on your standard systemic model. Based on the typical paradigm.

And, I think this goes way beyond “harm reduction dollars”.

Could we force a fundamental shift in funding and approach. Even if it was on a small scale. From “individual focus” to “family focus”

The Family “Unit”

The “unit” to be reimbursed should be the family as a whole. Not the individual. That would get me fired up.

Let’s think about it.

The “overdose epidemic”, alcohol, suicide. What have become known as deaths of despair.

This reality confronts the theory that underlies our systemic response.

Typical Response

✅ We wait for a client to engage in a specific modality of treatment once they experience a sufficient amount of suffering to become properly motivated.

Also the default, far too often, is to tell the family to stay out of it.

✅ In any given circumstance, the typical response of rehab to meetings to long term recovery may be appropriate. And I am very grateful when that happens.

And, perhaps, there are cases where the family should stay out of it.

But the reality is ….

We can’t wait for motivation produced by suffering. We can’t wait for bottom.

The Long Haul

✅ OVER THE LONG HAUL, family members become continuing care coordinators.

Once the patient leaves rehab it’s back onto the family. They will be responsible for intervening and responding.

I guess some of us are equipped to do that. Strangely enough.

But for the most part, family members are searching in the dark without a flashlight.

Train & Educate The Family

✅ Therefore, we should train and educate the family to intervene. This is just as important as detachment.

Families must become subject matter experts and system navigators.

✅ Better yet, every single family should have a case coordinator that actively engages for at least 5 years.

Qualified Family Recovery Coach

A specially trained and qualified family coach. Regardless of the status of the patient.

Paid for by insurance, Medicaid/Medicare and the state drug and alcohol authorities.



Age of Despair

✅ There is theory … and then there is reality. In the substance use disorder world.

The 2 things don’t match. Not anymore.

Not in the day and age of fentanyl, fake pills, tainted meth and cocaine….

🙏 Not in this age of despair.

The Truth

It’s just the truth. And everyone knows it’s the truth.

Even the people who publicly disagree with me, privately know it’s the truth.

We are plugging holes. Plugging leaks in the sailboat.

We are sinking.

Will you stick around to see us go down?


Who has the courage to flip the script? Which of the payers will step out and change this tragic predicament overnight?

A move like that…. would be exciting.