“Drug Use For Grown Ups” – A Review?

“Drug Use For Grown Ups”

Slow going. But I’m reading “Drug Use For Grown Ups”.

Truth is… There is a whole bunch of good stuff in Dr Carl Hart’s book.

The title may suck. And many people were offended by the sensationalized headlines (in all those articles that were posted).

But remember, that was meant to sell books.

Create attention, even if it’s negative attention.

Most I Agree, So Far!

So far: I agree with most of what he says.

The war on drugs is a disgraceful war on people. The arbitrary federal drug schedule needs thrown out.

Research and federal grants come with an agenda attached.

The industrial prison complex is out of control. The politics are twisted etc…

These type of things are on point and beyond controversy.

National Institute of Drug Abuse

It’s also compelling how he takes on the National Institute of Drug Abuse and their “expertise”.

He says some things I agree with.

Then he gets to the statistics related to using drugs ….

Many people do use with no obvious consequences. Most, in fact.

Why is this (truth on dangers of drug use) so hard to accept?

And why does saying this come with some anxiety?

Trouble Maker

I feel like I’m going to get in trouble.

I feel like I’m blaspheming.

Read the book. A fact check his shit.

There’s a little problem called facts.

Maybe it would be a better world if this stuff was never discussed? You know, the scared straight and just say no approach.

81,000 + Dead

I mean… over 81,000 people have died of overdose under that particular “modus operandi”.

So maybe we can crack the door just a bit for some crazy talk from the good doctor.

Then again, I’m early in the book. I may turn on Dr Hart…

I bet he’s worried. He’s sitting at home right now: “Man, I hope Rich Jones in Greenville SC is on my side….”. 😎