“Why Can’t We Be Friends”

Making Friends

In early recovery, one of the hardest things for me (personally) was “making new friends”. Or “building my network”.

I always used drugs and alcohol to smooth my interactions and initiate relationships. All the sudden I’m trying to make conversation without the benefit being high.

Without the benefit of all the other people around me being high. It’s pretty damn easy to “bond” when everyone is loaded.

My self-recrimination would run rampant during early recovery.

Inside My Head

The script in my head at that time went something like this:

  • “Damn Rich, that was a stupid thing to say”….
  • “Damn Rich, that dude thinks you’re a freak”…
  • “Damn Rich, can you complete a sentence that does not include a slogan”….
  • “Damn Rich, your head is too large for your body”…
  • “Damn Rich, your face is all lopsided and crooked”…
  • “Damn Rich, can you speak in complete sentences or are you attempting to invent some new language based on grunts and clicking noises”…
  • “Damn Rich, you just sat in your car and ate 24 pop tarts in the parking lot of this meeting because you were too nervous to come in the building early and talk to people (true story)…”

Run Forrest Run!

I would just stand there looking like Forrest Gump when Jenny broke up with him. Then I would have the thought:

“Damn Rich, you should run back to your old pack of clowns and get high…”.

NO…NO… You should NOT do that.


Stick it out. Making friends requires showing up on a regular basis.

It requires trust in other human beings.

It requires tolerance of uncomfortable silence when you don’t know what to say… and you just stand there. Feeling like an idiot.

Narcissistic Personality Disorder

Side Note: I know…. Some of you never had a problem with this type of stuff. You felt like everyone loved you right off the jump. You talked incessantly and were never at a loss for words. You felt like everyone loved everything you said.

That’s called “narcissistic personality disorder”. You should just enjoy yourself and remember that the world exists for your pleasure and benefit.

You probably now work for a treatment center in South Florida and we should all “Call You Now For Help”. #AmericanPsycho


In all seriousness…. Be cautious. There are some real shit-balls out there.

I mean, straight up balls of shit with 2 legs and 2 arms and fitted hats and a “CALL NOW FOR HELP” phone number on display.

Many of those people, are to be avoided.

Do they really have what you want? You have what they want, money!

The Good News – The New You!

There are plenty of good people. Stick with them. And stick it out when you get uncomfortable.

Check us out in our social media at – https://www.facebook.com/recoverycartel

It will get easier. You will get more and more comfortable.

You will find your voice and you will find the “New You”.


I Guarantee It. – Rich Jones | Recovery Cartel

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