✌️ Perspective on behavior change and healthy lifestyle. Reasonable advice.

1) Statistically speaking, we are in a constant state of stress and upheaval.

Either personally (for example your own health problems) OR someone we love / care about (for example your son or daughter has health scare).

2) Therefore, we can not wait until the “time is right” to make a change.

3) We can not focus on getting to some mythical time or place when the circumstances are “all good”. Or “all stable”.

That time does not exist. That place does not exist.

4) It is easy to live healthy and “cultivate good habits” when things are calm.

But it is hard to stay on course when things are chaotic, tense, and full of drama.

5) Things in life are never (rarely) completely calm.

6) Therefore, success is found via some level of persistence and consistency in the middle of storms.

7) Use the time “in-between” the crises to really tune up your routines.

8) When the shit hits the fan, you may very well fall short. You will have trouble concentrating on anything outside of the immediate stress crisis.

However, avoid the abstinence violation effect (ie…throwing in the towel) and get right back on the horse.