#MoonShotThinking – Solve Our Addiction Crisis – Forever


“Leaps of innovation require a bravery that borders on absurdity.” – Astro Teller

When we fight for money that is designed to primarily feed legacy systems and structures we are fighting for incremental change.

When we roll out solutions centered around access to more detox beds.

When we scream about insurance parity to pay for conventional services.

When we champion sweeping access to medication treatment we are “hoping” for incremental improvement. 10% improvement (at best).

Look at all the Addiction/Recovery books and blueprints and toolkits and proposed solutions out there.

I defy you to find one that is unique from the others. They are all essentially the same.


If you were ask to “solve our addiction crisis” via any means necessary and told use your imagination.

What would you say. Would you propose more money for more of the same as a unique idea?

Or would you have the courage to propose ideas that may get you laughed out of the room? Would you be willing to be impractical?

I say be impractical. The establishment will not approve. But the rest of the world will be drawn to you.

People want to be inspired. They want to have hope. Especially those outside the bubble.


I’m not concerned someone will steal it… it’s not “normal” and it’s not currently an approved “evidenced based practice” and there is no funding available….

First we need to identify 1 to 3 components of this complex issue to address.

Let’s focus on 2 specific aspects of the addiction problem:

A) We have a shortage of exceptional therapists/providers.

This is best illustrated when therapists or program directors etc… are told “you need to be cloned”. There is a gap in provider abilities that has been well documented. Not all providers are created equal.

B) Another major issue is engagement or follow through on treatment plans.

The person simply will not attend meetings or go to therapy etc…. this is overwhelmingly common phenomenon.

Our society has accepted this. And we justify the outcomes by saying “they weren’t ready”. Or they “need to hit bottom and become willing”.


Create 3-d holograms of the world’s most effective providers and therapists.

Holograms are so realistic they frequently can not be differentiated from the real person.

Use Artificial Intelligence and machine learning to guide the verbal responses and non-verbal responses of the hologram therapist as he/she interacts with the “non-compliant” client.

Make the focus for the hologram be on encouraging the person to attend conventional programming.

The hologram serves as an engagement piece.

They are already working on holograms of the world’s best teachers to be streamed into underprivileged classrooms around the world.

Provide a system that projects the hologram into the person’s home.


Making access available 24 hrs a day 7 days a week.

If it’s a teen client, then provide the parents with a way that all access to mobile phone etc… is tied to completion of the holograms lesson. You can build in all kind of accountability for any client.


if you are laughing at this: You now know you are not interested in transformation.

If you immediately start listing the reasons why this won’t work or if recovery slogans pop-up in you mind to explain why this wouldn’t work: You now know you are into the status quo.


We can’t abandon the current system until we have an alternative. You are interested in system maintenance over transformation.

I will support all your efforts while we continue working toward a world changing solution.

I will support the incremental improvements while I work in the back room to find a massive solution.

I will be a good soldier as we try to put a band aid on society’s gaping addiction wound.

But… I’m going to report to the lab for my 7 pm to 2 am job and will not be content with more of the same.

I hope everyone out there can clearly see this problem is going to be solved by evil capitalists.