Letters From The Pandemic: “The Ripple Effect”

The Ripple Effect by Rich Jones

Things are starting to slowly turn in a positive direction. In terms of understanding the virus, advancing medicine/vaccines, increasing testing and related issues. Trending in a better direction.

You can’t shut-down such a large slice of economic activity without it leaving some pretty bad scars.

Projections of 20 plus % unemployment, 30% GDP contraction and the near elimination of small business in several sectors. Permanent change to airlines, hotel, restaurant industries etc….

The economic impact will be incomprehensible and beyond any frame of reference. There is nothing to compare this to in terms of modeling an economic recovery.

The Ripple Effect

The “ripple effect” will be profound.

Consumer behavior will be forever altered. If you own a business Adapt and transition and do all you can to survive. Pivot like Shaq back in his Orlando Magic days….

But I believe things are starting to turn in a better direction (relatively speaking). We will be seeing movement toward a “re-opening” sooner than later.

SIDE NOTE: The media is starting to prepare for a full out politicalization of the COVID-19 issue ahead of the presidential election.

They will get even more sensationalistic. Each side digging in for trench warfare. The erosion of journalistic integrity is somewhat comical. If it weren’t so sad and scary.

All Hands On Deck

The co-occurring mental health and substance misuse epidemic concerns me. Suicides climbing. SUD escalating. Overdoses are happening all day, everyday.

Public health interventions for behavioral health issues need to be aggressively rolled out. Community health workers out in the neighborhoods.

And the workers do not have to be “recovery coaches only”.

We need to get over this idea that only recovering people can help. All hands on deck.

Be Compassionate

I never liked the whole “only an addict can help an addict” vibe.

I think recovering people bring vital knowledge and unique skills to the fight. However, I know many recovering people who are mean and punishing and do more harm than good.

I reject the “recovery” only vibe. How about this: “only nice people are allowed to help. Only compassionate people….”.

Everyone will need to contribute to containing the behavioral health pandemic. Just as everyone needs to contribute to containing the COVID-19 pandemic.