Family Recovery Self-Help Models


As I dig deeper into family recovery self-help models. I have a couple of observations.

#1 – Literature

The majority of family recovery literature is very much written from a “spouse” (wife) of an alcoholic point of view.

It just is. Of course, there are some Alanon groups, Naranon groups which focus on parents.

But the program was developed for spouses (wives), and remains, very “significant other” in terms of tone.

This is not a criticism. It’s just a fact.

And, there is a difference between parent and spouse “recovery”.


I’m trained in family systems therapy. And actively practicing for 10 plus years.

The ARISE model guides our work at FAVOR Greenville.

And systems theory guides our family recovery groups. You hear a lot about CRAFT model these days.

CRAFT is similar and it is solid. Has a good family systems vibe to it.

There are groups that follow these models. Not many groups. But a growing number.

See Pam Jones Lanhart for more on this good work.

#3 – My Family Recovery

I have now entered fully into my own family recovery process.

Whereas, for decade plus, I was just a facilitator and a therapist.

I am now a person with lived experience.

#4 – Teachable

And I need to be teachable. For my own good.

I need to be a participant at times. Not a therapist.

#5 – An “Eclectic” Approach

That said. It’s clear that I am going to take a very “eclectic” approach in my own recovery.

Combining principles from several programs. And facilitating, attending and joining multiple types of meetings.

Also … exploring the literature.

However, much of it will not be “conference approved”.