Things Got Really Weird

When I finally “decided” to change my substance use and do this recovery thing, things got really weird.

🚁🚁Strange noises were ever-present in my head (like a helicopter buzzing around inside my skull-piece).

🐘🐘My face swelled up and I looked like the elephant boy (still not sure what that was all about).

No one could explain it. I was like.

Hey doc— my face is all messed up and puffed-up like Botox gone bad.

That doctor was useless.

People had theories. Like “it’s the drugs leaving your system. Seeping out through your pours and causing swelling”.

Now that was some straight up … made up …. shit right there.

No one knew what to say.

My Lopsided Head

They were like “oh snap… Rich’s head is lopsided”.

I slept, at best 4 hours a night.

With freaky ICP dreams at least 63% of the time. Juggalo. 🤡🤡🤡

In an effort to look like Fred Durst from Limp Bizkit I grew a beard and shaped it up with a razor. But I did that all crooked. Further impacting my asymmetrical head and face.

A Baffled Lot I Was

At around 60 days I had to change a tire once and had a full blown emotional breakdown.

And could not successfully complete the process. It baffled me.

I was found catatonic in my driveway.

I ripped a sliding door off a van in anger over a bottle of water. I had to bungee cord it to the other door so it wouldn’t fly open.

There’s much more ….

Give Yourself a Break

It took me a long time to feel “normal”.

A long time to feel okay. And now, okay comes and okay goes.

If you are struggling. Give yourself a break.

If you are feeling a bit “Not OK”, please check out all our support platforms below!