Puppet Masters Rule Your World

Many Puppet Master’s

✌️”SENSE-MAKING”! MAKING SENSE in the midst of non-sense is nearly impossible! There is no way to access truthful, unbiased, information. AND there are no stabilizing social structures upon which to lean. But, there are many puppet-masters.

They just aren’t quite as obvious.

Sociological “laws” and “givens” have been tossed off leaving a void. With no organizing, stable sense-making structure to take its place.

When the media, academia, and leaders of societal institutions present in such farcical ways… you are left scratching your head.


Society is screwed because we have nothing to ground us.

An analogy, imagine the universe decides to eliminate the law of gravity on earth.

You wake up tomorrow and there is no such thing as gravity. We are all just floating around. With nothing real to keep us on the ground.

Clearly society, as it is currently constructed, is not going to work under the new “no gravity rules.

We will need to build some new stuff real quick to make up for the no gravity reality.

Strings of the Puppet Master’s


Technology, massive connection, and the explosion of information has its pros and its cons.

But one thing is for sure. It has destroyed social norms and upended sense-making. For better or worse. The game has fundamentally change.

However, we refuse to build new ideas and structures to adjust to these changes.

I guess everyone is waiting for technology to slow down or go away?


Example, the organizing stability of religion has come and gone.

For the better, we no longer explain all things via “the gods”.

See 20th Century Existentialism for a more comprehensive review. (Nietzsche clearly articulated this reality at the turn of the century and you can get much more out of his writings: see ➡️ https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Friedrich_Nietzsche).

However, the void has not been filled.

Science has been hijacked by the media and ideologies. In theory science is the answer, in practice science is more religion than science.

Perhaps religion will make a comeback, it will be the church of science?

Other Troubling Signs:

✅ The absurdity of the call out culture.

✅ The death journalism replaced at best by one big never ending op-ed. At worst, an active operative for the political parties.

✅ Complete corruption of the 2 party political system and the organized elimination on non-establishment candidates. (Cue the “Donald Trump is a political outsider” comments. No he isn’t. He is a reality TV star and a professional agitator. And that’s weirdly horrific. But he was “billionaire” (on paper) insider with deep ties political. He was part of the “crowd”. Also, he hung on both sides of the aisle. He is not an outsider.).

✅ The consolidation of wealth and the new oligarchy.

✅ Related to the oligarchy. The emergence of a technocracy where people like Mark Zuckerberg can engineer your life from a Silicon Valley lair.

✅ The denunciation of expertise. Where no one knows the answer yet everyone knows the answer. If no one is an expert. Everyone is an expert.

There is so much more to say …

Image by Thomas Skirde from Pixabay