Engage Technology

✌️✌️✌️It will be necessary, in my humble opinion, to engage technology fully in addressing substance use disorder and mental health.

Our front-line, first response to these issue can not continue to be waiting for willing people to go to rehab or waiting for willing people to wake up and see a psychiatrist/therapist.

These traditional providers could could continue to play a role in a brave new behavioral health world. There will no doubt continue to be some willing folks “show up” and adhere to “treatment plans” (10% in SUD; tops 30% in MH)

However, full engagement of technology will be necessary to stem the tide of overdose, alcohol related deaths, suicides etc… (Deaths of despair).

Artificial Intelligence

Society uses machine learning and artificial intelligence in every aspect of life.

Data collection and profiling leads to internet platforms that anticipate your needs and send you a pro-active advertisement. It’s as if “they” are reading our minds.

I’m not saying this is a good thing. I think the ethics of “big data” is yet to be hammered out. But I am saying it’s noteworthy.

Could technology be used to a) engage more people in need; tap into this data; profile and send pro-active messages of support. Maybe even intervene.

There are companies already exploring this possibility. b) provide base level coaching?

I know you are going to flip out and say “counseling can only be done face to face; counseling requires a human interaction”.

Identify Common Themes

Here’s my response. Yes; there are issues that must be addressed through a traditional setting. More serious, deeper issues. Trauma for example. But after 18 years of mental health and addiction work I could identify some common “lower level” themes that could be addressed.

Furthermore, people are NOT showing up to address these base level emotional issues because it hasn’t “gotten bad enough yet”. Easy access and engaging technology would put a dent into these unaddressed issues. c) as stated above identify at risk people and pro-actively intervene.

Big Brother Type Stuff

There are many objections that can be raised. There are many reasons not to do this. This sounds creepy. It sounds like big brother type stuff. But the big brother type stuff is already happening.

The difference is they are using the data to sell you a $3 t-shirt for $75.00. They are using the technology to successfully drive consumerism. Could technology be used for noble reasons.

To solve the number one public health issues facing America; Untreated mental health and substance misuse.

Time and Money

Another barrier is cost. Full engagement of technology requires massive investment in time and money. It’s not something you throw together on the side and it goes way beyond a monitoring system/app.

Just one man’s humble opinion – Rich