Recovery Debate: Beating A Dead Horse

On The Dusty Trail of The Recovery Debate

I know that I am beating a dead horse by exploring this topic. I’m as worn out as anyone regarding the “Multiple Pathways” to recovery debate.

Yet, I can’t help but comment. It’s just too outrageous to avoid entering into the fray.

FAVOR Greenville is a recovery support services program that provides 100% free services to families, individuals and the community at large.

We are in 20 plus locations including hospital emergency departments, homeless encampments, and our 3 brick and mortar centers (Greenville, Anderson, Spartanburg).

Core Values Matter

A core value is our unconditional support and love for all pathways to recovery.

We don’t care how you get better, we just want you to get better. Our approach is supported by research, evidence, and a truly open-minded attitude.

At FAVOR Greenville, we are exposed to all aspect of substance use disorder.

We see the entire spectrum. Ranging from people actively using to people 100% willing to change.

Rebuilding Lives

We see lives rebuilt every single day. We work with people regardless of where they are in their personal journey. We do not mandate superficial adherence to any one program.

We do not mandate compliance. We meet people where they are-figuratively and literally.

Around 45% of our work is done with families. Providing education, awareness, intervention support. We meet the family where they are as well.

I also run a couple of businesses that focus on mental health. Stress management, emotional coping and executive coaching.

In those venues I also see many people who are struggling with some type of substance misuse issue.

Radar Love

Thousands of people come across my radar year over year.

Inevitably, a fair number of folks will tell me about their experiences in other recovery programs and, most disturbing, their experience in other professional treatment settings.

Mostly private treatment. But also some public sector stuff (for example, the recovering professional program).

They Will Report

  • That they are being told to stay away from FAVOR.
  • That they are being told that they will use drugs and die if they believe anything other than “the true recovery pathway”.
  • Our way is the only way and if you do not believe that you will use and you will most certainly die.

I Heard It Again Today

Despite the fact that this issue is worn out and these people will not change I simply must say:


There is nothing further from the truth. It is 100% a lie. A myth. A dangerous concept.

The founders of 12-step programs absolutely rejected the idea of “our way is the only way”.

The research on recovery clearly reveals that there are countless ways to get better.

When you preach the “one way only” stuff you are preaching your own program. Your own version of 12-step recovery.

You are arrogant and you are dangerous and you are 100% wrong.

The term cult-leader comes to mind.


If you claim a spiritual program and then preach such things you are even more diabolical.

The core principles of honesty, open-mindedness and willingness are being thrown aside in an effort to promote your own agenda.

An agenda, that is very hard to understand.


If your personal recovery is so fragile, that you need to suppress all other recovery related options, you are in serious trouble.

If you can’t open your mind to ideas you are close-minded.


If you are professional and you engage in that behavior you are violating multiple ethical codes.

You won’t be held accountable because the world does not care enough to hold you accountable.

But don’t fool yourself into thinking it is actual legitimate clinical work.


It is the co-opting of a self-help program. Group therapy that involves a big book study ONLY is not therapy.

It’s also a violation of the traditions of 12-step programs.


I know that what I have said above will make little difference to all the “true believers“.

Like politics and religion; the recovery debate discussions are typically an exercise in ideological conversion rather than an exercise in learning.

I just can’t believe it…. It’s so hypocritical and disgusting.