My Time In Witness Protection & Weapons of Mass Destruction

My Time In Witness Protection
Secret Location – Rich Jones

I ventured out into the surrounding area of the Recovery Cartel’s W.P.P.C. (witness protection program cabin).

As you know we are in an undisclosed location deep in the Appalachian mountains.

We are so deep we don’t get cell coverage.

Had to pay $1.5 million for this special wi-fi package that allows me to maintain contact with the rest of the world.

We can only go out in the dark so that the Cartel or the KC Mob or the Hill People can’t get to us!

Getting Soft

It is so cold here. I nearly died of exposure out there tonight.

I had to kill a tauntaun on my way home and gut it with my light saber so I could crawl inside and stay warm until Reggie found me. #rescuedog. Here he is expressing his disgust for my weakness….

Reggie the Recovery Dog

I made it but I must be getting soft.

Weapon of Mass Destruction

In the meantime back in the Upstate of South Carolina….

Xanax is a weapon of mass destruction.

Xanax is now a mainstream recreational drug. It’s commonplace in high schools across the Upstate.

Fake Xanax is a killer.

One that is poised for more exposure. As our country pushes down on opioids the cartels will need to make other drugs more addictive… they must come up with a new product line.

Fake Xanax is part of the new product line.

Multinational Corporations

These cartels are multinational corporations with strategy and R & D and product development.

They aren’t just thugs slinging dope.

They innovate and invent new product.


They are not interested in losing market share IF the opioid market is suppressed.

It’s simple economics…

If people stop buying my pepperoni pizza I’m going to make my double cheese, pineapple pizza more appetizing and see if that can replace market share lost on the pepperoni pizza.

If they are gonna try and reduce demand and push down on opioids/heroin let’s see if we can make Xanax more addictive.

Xanax is the drug of choice for many young people…