Three Good Things

What are the Three Good Things?

Here are some details about the Three Good Things.

1) Got some quality time with the family. Unexpected.

2) Averted crisis with one of our participants this afternoon. Went much better than anticipated.

3) Feeling certain about recent moves at work. Feels good to have clarity.

Check, Check, Check

✅Three good things capitalizes on the principle of neuroplasticity.

We can change our outlook and attitude by intentionally noticing the good.

✅We are wired to notice the negative.

From an evolutionary perspective we are hardwired to notice the bad stuff.

Noticing the negative kept us alive in a dangerous world.

Therefore, we need to make ourselves notice the positive.

✅If we do this repetitively we will develop new neural connections and pathways.

Re-fire to re-wire!

The 3 Good Things is a great way to do this.

💥💥💥Everyday at the end of the day, write down 3 good things that happened.

Commit to 30 days and commit to not repeating yourself.

That’s 90 different things over 30 days. You will need to pay attention to things during the course of your day.

And make mental notes of the “good things”.

This is all part of the re-wiring process.

Heritage Health Solutions and Youturn: built the model on these type of principles. It works!