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  1. Susan Linsmier
    April 23, 2018 @ 12:51 pm

    Rich, this is well written and very true. As a former HS teacher I can attest to this. It is so exciting and satisfying to bring that potential to reality and see a student grow and beam in his accomplishments. However, what do you do when the addict refuses to believe that he can get better? He researched the statistics and decided he’s a statistic and it’s hopeless. He knows we love him and accept him where he is. He is grateful and tells us he loves us; he hugs us with tears in his eyes. He’s never stolen from us or treated us poorly. He knows he’s hurting us but is unable to stop. We continue to try to encourage him, but sometimes loving families are just not enough. His addiction has so altered his brain that his reasoning is totally illogical and irrational despite his presentation before others. He feels he is worthless and his trying to get “well” is useless. He fears relapse worse than death itself. Additionally, he has a life threatening heart condition requiring surgery very soon but is refusing it. He has decided to let this condition take his life as he hasn’t enough guts to commit suicide. The law is useless; unless his suicide is imminent the law, the courts, the police and even the doctors could care less and refuse to intervene. They do not see addiction as a disease of the brain that alters emotions and decision making skills. This type of suicide is recognized as his free will and choice despite the altering of those very emotions and decision making skills. They appear compassionless. It is so much easier to just throw them all in jail or leave them to rot as long as they don’t cause problems. They do not recognize that sometimes severe addiction requires that loved ones should be able to have their addict committed against their wishes as they do in some 30 states now, but not SC. We’ve exhausted all means. At this point we’ve turned him over to God. We won’t be the first to lose a precious son whose phenomenal potential will never be recognized and we won’t be the last. God will get us through one way or the other. Only He can change our son’s broken heart. We hurt terribly but he’s in God’s hands now, either to heal or to take home. We’ve been told that we’ve gone way beyond what most parents have done. But, nothing we’ve done has changed anything; so, we accept His Decision. We will continue to live one day at a time, as hard as it may be some days, and continue to find gratitude and the beauty in each day.