Just My Observation – Tell Me What Am I Missing?
It sounds sarcastic and provocative but it’s truly an observation. And the points I make are unassailable.
I challenge someone to tell me what I’m missing.
With the facts below in mind, understand that the long standing manifestation of treatment/“rehab” is unsustainable.
The approach used to get customers is so insanely one dimensional and insulting to the average human being that it is unsustainable.
ONLY 10%
No wonder only 10% ever show up for treatment.
The reason it has lasted this long is the stigma.
No one in the outside business world wanted in on this industry because it’s a stigmatized patient group. No one creative considers involvement because those “scum-bag” addicts are an afterthought.
Historically, if an outsider does decide to get in they just followed the rehab formula because it was a proven business model.
No one bothered thinking about creative destruction and inventing a new business model.
As stigma is reduced and awareness raised more and more outsiders will become involved. And things will change.
A new business model will emerge.
Marketing in the addiction Treatment/Recovery industry is really only focused on filling rehab beds and appears to fall into one of 8 categories/strategies; or a combination of these strategies:
- Hire someone/maintain team to do face to face business development to outpatient, doctors, etc…. focus on legacy relationships, brand and reputation to fill beds. Use outpatient clinics to funnel clients as appropriate. This is mostly used by the large legacy programs and integrated massive systems.
- Digital media (Facebook, Instagram etc…) with the apparent strategy being create a persona or use pseudo-celebrity/actually celebrity to basically tell his/her 12 step story over and over….while encouraging people to call now for help.
- Digital media where these same personas, pseudo celebrities/real celebrities diss other pseudo celebrities etc…. while encouraging people to call now for help.
- Digital media where these pseudo celebrities etc….tell parents they are enablers and killing their kids….while encouraging people to call now for help.
- Google ad-words at hundreds of thousands of dollars per year.
- Annual conferences (NAATP, C-4 etc….) where people talk about the latest innovation in treatment and ethical marketing practices. While encouraging one another to “keep us in mind if you think you have a fit for our program”….
- Some guy in doctor scrubs on television in the lowest production value commercial in the history of TV encouraging people to call now if you or a loved one need help.
- Body brokers.
With the exception of number 1 and number 6. The content of the marketing message, despite the platform or avenue of delivery, is essentially
- “You’re hopelessly addicted. You’re in denial about that. Call now and get help. Or you’re gonna die”….. or
- “You’re loved one is hopelessly addicted. Get your shit together and stop enabling. Call now or they are gonna die”…..
Number 1 works because the narrative of “we are the expert healthcare providers/treatment providers and state of the art etc….” and “we are really you’re one best option” has never really been challenged.
Legacy and brand is hard to overcome.
Number 6 is just an excuse to visit a posh resort and play golf. 😎😎😎😎
This is an industry that is going to get completely turned upside down as soon as the knowledge of the issue (and the associated opportunities) escapes the Recovery Bubble. Begging for disruption….moral imperative to do so.
Anyone remember Blockbuster??
September 22, 2018 @ 7:50 pm
Hey Rich, I appreciate your putting your ideas out so clearly in this post! There’s nothing here that creates disagreement in me. However, in answer to your question, “what am I missing?” My answer is an expanded focus on the problem and solutions. I see a new business model that expands to include inspired family engagement and complements current treatment approaches. Families are a very invested stakeholder and key over time.
September 23, 2018 @ 1:53 am
Actually my theory of change is the family is the key to sustainablity change.
The addicted do NOT change until the family does. As families become informed and change their unhealthy behavior this causes disruption in the addicteds life forcing them to confront the addiction. Nothing changes until someone changes. We can’t control the addicteds behavior. We can control our own.