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1 Comment

  1. Matthew Hoffman
    July 3, 2017 @ 6:40 am

    As a recovering addict and alcoholic (at least I think so) and open-minded treatment professional, I feel the same frustration about the opioid epidemic as everyone else.

    However, I think we should take it in context. My clients are frequently successful in changing their lives. The opioid thing didn’t start yesterday (nor end tomorrow) and neither will our well-intentioned hard work. I spent 20 years banging dope and another 29 fighting its deadly effects. We will find the right tools and approaches. I have seen the shift in perspective and paradigms myself.

    So, let’s not throw the baby out with the bathwater: a lot of stuff we do, does work.

    Finally, I am not at all comfortable with the whole cartel concept. Those are evil people, narco-terrorists, why borrow their language?

    Just sayin’.