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  1. Brian
    March 26, 2016 @ 5:22 pm

    Thank You, I needed to see that I wasn’t alone. I have been trying to change my ways and every time I turn around there is another obstacles to overcome. I feel like I have broken away from the clutches of Death but there is still only maybe 6-8 weeks to get through before I will be able to get my life going without the need to have to rely so heavily on someone else’s kind heartedness. When I get free of the feeling of dispare, guilt and shame I know that I will be a better person. I already look at life through a different lens. I value things alot differently. I know what I want to do/ be for the first time in my life!! I have found my Passion! It’s sad that it took so long, but I am almost there. I just have to be able to finish the last few steps of a decades journey into self reawaken! I want to be able to reach the other side (wiping away tears). O the longing I feel to be free. I look forward to meeting you in the near future. Thank You Again, I will be reading more of your work.

    • jonesy852515
      March 26, 2016 @ 11:10 pm

      Keep in touch. Sounds like you are on the stretch run. Will be own your own two feet soon.